Wild Tea - Nettle Seed & Birch Twig

Late summer nettle seeds

As winter sets in and much of the world turns towards sleep (if you look at tree rings you can see that the denser dark lines are where they show their slow autumnal and early spring growth, compared to the quick growth spurt of the warmer, lighter months) it feels clear that the time for gathering wild plants in abundance has slowed to a stop. Now is the time for using the dried plants that wonderful organised people have prepared…me not being one of them!

The joy of sharing and drinking herbal teas means I often use up many of my stores by mid-November, sending me out to seek sustenance during the short days to keep my teapot fragrant and full. One of my favourite winter combinations is a potent, energising and healing tea made of birch twigs and nettle seeds. Nettle seeds - those pendulous bunches of green, nutty potency are an energising gift as the days darken. Mood-lifting, libido enhancing and stress-regulating - they do more for our minds and bodies than seems possible for something so readily available.

Birch trees, so fine in their winter nakedness, continue to support us through the cold times. Gathering the frail twigs is always worthwhile to help start a fire, but can also be used to make a resinous tea. For this you want to cut the twigs from the living branches, and then take them home and simmer in a pan for about ten minutes, until you have a light decoction. Add the nettle seeds and let the whole thing infuse for half an hour before gently reheating. Not only does the tea have a good green depth and citrusy scent, but also feels like it gets to the essence of that special tree. Just as boiling bones yields the fatness of marrow, so does simmering twigs get us to the heart of the tree.


Wild Tea - A Handful of Herbs